"What do you mean she can go home tomorrow??? Don't you want to observe her for another day or two?"
Her x-rays looked good and they convinced us she would do more healing at home than at the hospital. And right they were! We can't keep our little Ellen down. Luckily we went right into Spring Break when we got home so she had all week to rest up and build up energy. After that, Ellen went back to school full days without a blink of an eye. She was nervous of course. She was worried that her friends would "mob" her and the boys would want to hug her. I don't blame her, although when I was her age, I would've loved the attention. My oldest daughter had made a welcome sign for her at school so when the kids got there, they all saw it. Ellen loved it. For as much as my daughters fight with each other, Ellen's illness was a blessing in disguise. They started getting along and Marcella has been very understanding and supportive of Ellen. I could just cry when my girls get along. They can be so sweet to each other!
Ellen can start tumbling and she is so excited about that! Just in time for cheer tryouts, too!
We have been home for 3 weeks and it's so hard to believe all we've been through. In one eye, the time dragged on forever when I think about how long Ellen was sick (almost 8 weeks!) but in the other eye, it flew by so fast, it feels like she was never sick at all.
God is good. He really does hear us when we pray. It has been so overwhelming of the love and support from so many people.
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
- James 1:12