Monday, February 10, 2014

My Happy List - Continued

I've pretty much conquered my Household Goals:  Simplify.  Although, there are always projects to be tackled, but those projects are the never-ending- tasks that no matter how many times you complete them, they're a mess the very next week; A.K.A.:  Kids' closets.  I didn't even bother to add those to my Happy List because conquering those tasks doesn't contribute to my happiness.  Yes, I would love the kids' rooms to be spotless and perfect, but why bother when the kids are just going to turn around and mess it up again?  No different than laundry.  One project that still needs to be done is putting photos in photo albums.  This project will take a lot of money only because all my pictures in the last 9 years are digital.  Can't put pictures in albums if I don't physically have them in my hand. Ya know what I mean???  This project goes under the "15 minutes of Agony" category.

So my Happy List continues.  These are my next goals I want to accomplish:

Learn something new
             ~ I want to learn to crochet.  By next winter, I want to have made my own hat and scarf.
             ~ I want to take tap dance lessons.  I've always wanted to when I was a kid.
             ~ I want to take a painting class.  Whenever I get a wedding invitation to decorate, I always have to ask my mom for help.  I love working with my mom on artistic things, but I've been doing these keepsakes long enough now that I should be learning how to paint simple flowers myself.
             ~ I want to take a cooking class.  I love to cook and bake, but I get tired cooking the same things all the time.  I thought maybe someday, I'd go to culinary school.
             ~ I want to learn to play the piano again.  I miss the piano.  I've been trying to buy a piano for years now and either I have the money and no room for one, or I have the room and no money.  This time, my mother-in-law is letting me have her keyboard.  It's not quite the same, but at least it's something to practice on.
              ~ Learn to sharpen knives.  Life is good when my knives are sharp and I don't have to saw my food.

Embark on new adventures
             ~ I've always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon.
             ~ I've never been to any other zoo except our own Columbus zoo and the Little Zoo near Oglebay Park.  So I want to visit the Cleveland zoo someday.
             ~ Take the kids to Old Man's Cave.
             ~ Take the kids to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.
             ~ Go on monthly date nights with my husband.  This was something we agreed on doing when I quit my job and stayed home to babysit.  That was 9 years ago.  It hasn't happened very often.

Just having fun
             ~ Spend more one-on-one time with my girls.  Not just sitting watching TV, but doing something together.  Playing a game, going to the museum, going out to lunch, etc.
             ~ Take the kids to breakfast before school.
             ~ Celebrate the little holidays.  I'm not big on decorating for holidays except for Christmas, but I always let the little holidays slip by such as Valentines Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc.
             ~ Send more photos to grandparents.  I used to send out a few photos of the kids through email every week and I've long, long, long gotten out of habit of this.

This seems like a lot.  It is a lot.  Part of my Happiness Project is to accept accountability of my goals and I realized I haven't blogged about my list of goals yet.  So, I'm off to a very big start!

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